We assume that our bathrooms are not as important as the rest of the rooms in our homes due to the fact that we do not spend as much time in them as in any other room. However, a great looking bathroom can add great value to your home, especially if you are planning to sell your home. At first glance, a bathroom has to look neat and tidy as any other room in the house. A messy bathroom can put a negative vibe in your home. If you are looking to upgrade your bathroom, there are some simple budget-friendly creative steps you can take to completely transform the look of your bathroom. Most bathrooms are tiny spaces; therefore with the right kind of planning, you can do some creative changes giving it a total makeover which will add great value to the rest of your home.

Tips to Upgrade Your Bathroom
One of the most effective ways to give your bathroom a totally new look is to install a bathtub. If you do not have a bathroom that has a bathtub, by installing one you can completely transform its look. A bathtub adds elegance and prominence to the bathroom that really creates a more homely feeling. Though you may feel like it could be an expensive purchase, making that one purchase can give an illusion of a totally remodeled bathroom. Therefore, it could be a smart purchase and an investment for somebody who is looking to upgrade their bathroom. If you already have a bathtub that is old, you could give it a fresh coat of paint and do some creative DIY add-ons that will upgrade the look of your bathtub. You can look up on the internet for creative ways to upgrade your bathtub and save a lot of money that you would otherwise spend to replace it with a new one. If you do not have the space to install a bathtub, you could upgrade the look of your bathroom by doing some simple shower repairs to your shower area. Retiling, fixing new shower-heads, faucets, and display units for bath products can really upgrade the look of your bathroom and give that shower space a new and welcoming look.
Lighting is another budget-friendly way to transform the look of your bathroom. Replace harsh lights with mellow warm lights to create an ambiance that is welcoming and cozy. You can also add fairy lights around the mirror and vanity cupboards which could totally transform the look of your bathroom. Adding scented candles can add to the ambiance of the room while giving it a spa-like atmosphere that you would not want to get out of.

It is always important to add a bit of colour to your bathroom. A pop of colour can do wonders in transforming the look of your bathroom and giving it a new glow. Colourful paintings and posters are a wonderful addition that could dial up the brightness of the room. Finish the look by adding a green indoor plant that will complete the new look of your bathroom.