
How To Clean Out Your Cupboard

Getting into the habit of cleaning out your cupboard every once in a while, is a good idea as this will not only help keep your belongings organized and tidy but it will also aid you in finding items you need especially when you are in a hurry.

What you don’t need

When your cupboard is a mess and when clothes are just scattered everywhere it can be hard to not only find things but it could also be hard to remember what you own. Cleaning out your cupboard enables you to throw out things that you cannot wear anymore or things you do not like to wear anymore. It will also give you the opportunity to buy the things you need. For example, you may think that you have a pair of jeans somewhere in the cupboard and knowing this has prevented you from purchasing a new pair.

However, when cleaning out the cupboard you may come across the pair of jeans only to realise that it does not fit you anymore. Therefore, this will open your eyes to the fact that you do indeed need to purchase a new pair of jeans. Cleaning out your cupboard makes you more aware of the items of clothing you have, you do not need and the items you need to purchase.


Using tools such as wardrobe dividers will not only make your closet neat and organized but alsoleave space to store more items. Especially if you are sharing a closet with someone then this is a good tool to use as it could help in freeing up space in order for there to be enough space in the closet for two people to use it.

A system

When cleaning out your cupboard, a good technique is to first take everything out. Once everything is out of the cupboard you can then begin the process of arranging the clothes into different categories. For instance, office wear, party wear, casual wear etc.

This will aid in making things easier for you when you open the cupboard to pick an outfit. Especially when you are in hurry, having an organized approach will be helpful as it can help you save time as you will not have to look through a pile of clothes in order to find something that you like.

Keep it clean

After going through the effort of arranging your cupboard and organizing it, it will be beneficial to you if you were to make the effort to keep the cupboard neat and tidy. It is not practical to clean out your cupboard every week therefore once you clean it out, putting in the effort to make sure it remains tidy can go a long way.

For instance, when you take something out of the cupboard, make sure you keep it back neatly and in the right place. This will make it easier for you to find when you do open the cupboard to look for the item again.